MyHealthPEI - Security and Privacy
Yes! The security and confidentiality of your information is our top priority. We follow strict provincial and federal data protection standards, ensuring your information is stored securely and protected from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.
Additionally, all personal health information in MyHealthPEI is being securely stored within Canada.
For more details on what information is collected and how it is used and disclosed, please see our Privacy and Personal Health Information page.
- Use of advanced encryption technologies to protect your data during transmission and while at rest.
- Multi-factor authentication to provide an added layer of protection.
- Ability for users to quickly and easily monitor any access of their information within their MyHealthPEI profile.
- Regular security checks and data monitoring.
- Regular auditing of data access.
- Comprehensive and step-by-step privacy breach management policies in place.
- At the end of each session, be sure to log out of your MyHealthPEI profile and close all browser windows.
- Consider adding password protection to your device(s).
- Never leave your device(s) unattended while you are logged in to MyHealthPEI.
- Never write down your passwords.
- Install anti-virus and malware protection on your device(s) and ensure it is always up to date.
All information contained with your MyHealthPEI information is protected by provincial and federal legislation, including the Health Information Act.
The ability to view this information is mostly restricted to you. There are a limited number of authorized individuals who will have access to the information within MyHealthPEI, such as technical support for maintaining the system. Pharmacists will have access to your lab results and immunizations to help them while providing your care. In the future, other health care provider groups may have access to diagnostic imaging reports like x-rays , but only when providing you health care. Health care provider groups will receive privacy and security training to ensure your personal health information is being kept safe and secure. We also have a process for monitoring access and auditing as an additional level of security.
You can view who has accessed your personal health information within MyHealthPEI through your profile. To access this feature, go to 'My Settings' and click on 'My Profile' within MyHealthPEI. Under the 'Other Activity' heading, select the option 'Views of Records', where you will see who accessed your information and when the access took place.
If you have questions or concerns about access to your MyHealthPEI information, please contact our eHealth Support Desk at 1-833-734-1873 and select option 4.